Paddington returns to Peru to visit his beloved Aunt Lucy, who now lives at the Bears’ Home. As the Brown family moves forward, they find themselves on an exciting adventure as a mystery takes them on an unexpected journey. However, he came up with the idea for this third film and was involved as an executive producer.
Graham Norton Starring: Billy Crystal / Emily Mortimer / Hugh Bonneville / Pharrell Williams / Michael Kiwanuka (2024). Sure, it doesn’t reach the heights of Paddington 2, but it’s probably on par with the first one. With a different director at the helm, this film also takes a different angle, as it takes the action out of London and sets it in the Peruvian jungle.
This is probably a wise choice, as it helps the film feel fresh and different compared to the other two. It makes for an interesting enough story that moves along quite well and keeps a decent pace. The humor is a bit average, but it’s definitely more geared towards kids, so it’s more representative of my age.
I also feel like the emotional side is a bit lacking. I remember crying at Paddington 2, but this one feels a little more gentle. Honestly, I think that word sums up this movie.