The fate of the world hangs in the balance as Eren unleashes the ultimate power of the Titans. With a burning determination to eliminate all who threaten Eldia, he leads an unstoppable army of colossal Titans towards Marley. This is perhaps one of the best stories ever written. The music gives this epic world a sense of vastness and importance, while also sounding phenomenal. Attack on Titan is a masterpiece of our generation and my favorite TV show of all time. When I watch the last episode of season 4 part 3 episode no. 2, my heart is broken at that moment and I cry a lot at that moment and I thought it was over, I seriously got attached to this masterpiece and I cry again because it is over. I asked the owner of the masterpiece to come with the movie for our happiness and I am sure you come every year with the masterpiece and you broke the internet.